Applied Hydrogeology:  by C. W. Fetter, David  Kreamer
625 pages, $89.95 list
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Applied Hydrogeology
Fifth Edition
There is a continued demand for well-trained and competent hydrogeologists, especially in the environmental sector. For decades, Fetter’s Applied Hydrogeology has helped prepare students to excel in careers in hydrogeology or other areas of environmental science and engineering where a strong background in hydrogeology is needed. The text’s long-standing tradition as a vital resource is further enhanced in the fifth edition by Kreamer’s added expertise.

Stressing the application of mathematics to problem-solving, example problems throughout the book provide students the opportunity to gain a much deeper understanding of the material. Some important topics include the properties of aquifers, the principles of groundwater flow, water chemistry, water quality and contamination, and groundwater development and management. The addition of new case studies and end-of-chapter problems will strengthen understanding of the occurrence and movement of ground water in a variety of geological settings.
"The fifth edition of Applied Hydrogeology remains one of the best textbooks available for explaining detailed and practical applications of mathematical principles to hydrogeology." — Wendy Robertson, Groundwater

“I have used the Fetter text for over 30 years. I will continue to use it because the new edition explains basic concepts clearly, covers almost everything I consider important in an introductory hydrogeology course, has enough material to make it useful as a resource for student’s professional career (so it is worth the cost investment), has example problems that aid in application and understanding, and contains up-to-date technological tools. The new coauthor choice was great.” — Joe Yelderman, Baylor University

“The new edition has plenty of worked-out problems, well-explained figures, and end-of-chapter problems that I can use in my undergraduate hydrogeology course. I have used earlier editions for over a decade and it has helped my students to understand difficult concepts and solve complex problems easier. Most find it useful and keep it as a reference for their careers.” — Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad, Hartwick College

“Chapter theory and concepts are presented well. The inclusion of additional problems will help students tackle different aspects of a relevant theory.” — Pooja Preetha, Alabama A&M University

“An excellent, comprehensive introductory text in hydrogeology. The new additions, such as the material on GPS, are excellent and will be helpful. The beauty of the text is that it will be an excellent resource for professional practice long after a student graduates. I am especially appreciative of the affordable cost for such an information-rich text—a rarity in the textbook business.” — Daniel Pardieck, Lander University

“I will absolutely use this book. It remains the gold standard.” — Ben DeJong, Norwich University

Table of Contents
1. Water
Water / Hydrology and Hydrogeology / The Hydrologic Cycle / Energy Transformations / The Hydrologic Equation / Hydrogeologists / Applied Hydrogeology / The Business of Hydrogeology (What Do Hydrogeologists Do All Day?) / Sources of Hydrogeologic Information / International Organization for Standardization and Other National Standards Organizations / Working the Problems / Solving Problems Using Spreadsheets

2. Elements of the Hydrologic Cycle
Evaporation / Transpiration / Evapotranspiration / Condensation / Formation of Precipitation / Measurement of Precipitation and Snow / Effective Depth of Precipitation / Events During Precipitation / Stream Hydrographs / Rainfall-Runoff Relationships / Duration Curves / Determining Groundwater Recharge from Baseflow / Measurement of Streamflow / Manning Equation

3. Properties of Aquifers
Matter and Energy (A Brief Review of Physics) / Porosity of Earth Materials / Specific Yield / Hydraulic Conductivity of Earth Materials / Permeameters / Water Table / Aquifers / Water-Table and Potentiometric Surface Maps / Aquifer Characteristics / Compressibility and Effective Stress / Homogeneity and Isotropy / Gradient of the Potentiometric Surface

4. Principles of Groundwater Flow
Introduction / Mechanical Energy / Hydraulic Head / Head in Water of Variable Density / Force Potential and Hydraulic Head / Darcy's Law / Equations of Groundwater Flow / Solution of Flow Equations / Gradient of Hydraulic Head / Relationship of Groundwater-Flow Direction to Grad h / Flow Lines and Flow Nets / Refraction of Flow Lines / Steady Flow in a Confined Aquifer / Steady Flow in an Unconfined Aquifer

5. Groundwater Flow to Wells
Introduction / Basic Assumptions / Radial Flow / Computing Drawdown Caused by a Pumping Well / Determining Aquifer Parameters from Time-Drawdown Data / Slug Tests / Estimating Aquifer Transmissivity from Specific Capacity Data / Intersecting Pumping Cones and Well Interference / Effect of Hydrogeologic Boundaries / Aquifer-Test Design

6. Soil Moisture and Groundwater Recharge
Introduction / Porosity and Water Content of Soil / Capillarity and the Capillary Fringe / Pore-Water Tension in the Vadose Zone / Soil Water / Theory of Unsaturated Flow / Water-Table Recharge

7. Regional Groundwater Flow
Introduction / Steady Regional Groundwater Flow in Unconfined Aquifers / Transient Flow in Regional Groundwater Systems / Noncyclical Groundwater / Springs / Geology of Regional Flow Systems / Interactions of Groundwater and Lakes or Wetlands and Streams

8. Geology of Groundwater Occurrence
Introduction / Unconsolidated Aquifers / Lithified Sedimentary Rocks / Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks / Groundwater in Permafrost Regions / Groundwater in Desert Areas / Coastal-Plain Aquifers / Fresh-Water-Saline-Water Relations / Tidal Effects / Groundwater Regions of the United States

9. Water Chemistry
Introduction / Units of Measurement / Types of Chemical Reactions in Water / Law of Mass Action / Common-Ion Effect / Chemical Activities / Ionization Constant of Water and Weak Acids / Carbonate Equilibrium / Thermodynamic Relationships / Oxidation Potential / Ion Exchange / Isotope Hydrology / Major Ion Chemistry / Presentation of Results of Chemical Analyses

10. Water Quality and Groundwater Contamination
Introduction / Water-Quality Standards / Collection of Water Samples / Groundwater Monitoring / Vadose-Zone Monitoring / Mass Transport of Solutes and Contaminants / Groundwater Contamination / Groundwater Restoration / Case History: Groundwater Contamination at a Superfund Site / Capture Zone Analysis

11. Groundwater Development and Management
Introduction / Dynamic Equilibrium in Natural Aquifers / Groundwater Budgets / Management Potential of Aquifers / Paradox of Safe Yield / Water Law / Artificial Recharge / Protection of Water Quality in Aquifers / Groundwater Mining and Cyclic Storage / Conjunctive Use of Ground and Surface Water / Global Water Issues and Initiatives / Global Water Voices, Languages, and Perspectives

12. Field Methods
Introduction / Fracture-Trace Analysis / Surficial Methods of Geophysical Investigations / Geophysical Well Logging / Hydrogeologic Site Evaluations / Responsibilities of the Field Hydrogeologist / Project Reports

13. Groundwater Models
Introduction / Applications of Groundwater Models / Data Requirements for Models / Finite-Difference Models / Finite-Element Methods / Use of Published Models / MODFLOW Basics / Geographical Information Systems
