American Education in a Global Society: International and Comparative Perspectives by Gerald L. Gutek
455 pages, $55.95 list
American Education in a Global Society
International and Comparative Perspectives
Second Edition
Gutek’s rigorously updated second edition targets international education in today’s dynamic, interconnected, and interdependent global society. It examines and compares educational systems in their national contexts. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 is a blend of historical, philosophical, political, and sociological perspectives on a variety of foundational topics in international education, including the vital interests of developing and developed nation-states; the implications of ethnonationalism; political, economic, environmental, and educational relationships; transnational issues in a global society; and citizenship education. Part 2 first scrutinizes the concept of comparative education and then explores the essential elements of education in the United States—a sturdy departure point for analyses and comparisons of the national contexts and education in eight representative countries: the United Kingdom, France, the Russian Federation, Mexico, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, India, and Nigeria. UNESCO states that education for all is one of the biggest moral challenges of our times. One step toward propagating the universal right to education is making a conscious effort to understand the educational systems of other nations.
“By focusing on the cultural roots shaping education in eight countries, this crisp revision should encourage the kind of critical reflection so necessary if readers are to appreciate the assets and weaknesses of their own system.” —Richard Renner, University of Florida

“The book is a jewel for teaching international and comparative education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.” —Samuel B. Hinton, Eastern Kentucky University

“I’m delighted with this book and plan to use it. It will help us zoom out and take on a perspective we sorely need!” —Anita Pankaka, University of Texas, Edinburg

“This is a timely text that allows both the specialist and everyday readers access into the intersection of American education and global networks. It is both readable and thorough in scope—two elements difficult to match in an academic text.” —Daniel Kirk, Macon State College

“Clearly written and effectively analytical of key issues in American education that are situated in a global context.” —Don T. Martin, University of Pittsburgh

“This is a timely text that allows both the specialist and everyday reader access into the intersection of American education and global networks. It is both readable and thorough in scope—two elements difficult to match in an academic text.” — Daniel Kirk, Macon State College

“. . . a jewel for teaching international and comparative education. It could be used at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The content is up-to-date and the language is clear and crisp.” — Samuel B. Hinton, Eastern Kentucky University

“Clearly written and effectively analytical of key issues in American education that are situated in a global context.” — Don T. Martin, University of Pittsburgh

“It is a timely product. I have begun using it in my history of education class. I am particularly happy to see the comparison in education systems, not only with the system in the U.S., but also among other sample nations selected from the different regions of the world. Global education is a must for all teaching training institutions, and this book is a vital tool toward preparing teachers for today’s world.” — Jerman Disasa, Presbyterian College
Table of Contents

1. Education in a Changing World
The Legacy of World War II: The Cold War / The End of Imperialism and Decolonization / The Advent of the Nuclear Age / The End of the Cold War / New Economic Centers of Power / Rapid Communication and Transportation / Global Environmental Issues / Conflict in the Middle East / The War on Terror / Why There Is a Need for International Education / Conclusion

2. Defining International Education
National Citizenship and a Global Society / Educators' Search for International Understanding / More Contemporary Theories of International Education / Definitions of International Education / Creating a Stipulated Definition of International Education / Conclusion

3. The American Role in International Education: A Historical Perspective
The Insularity of American Education / The U.S. on the World Scene / Idealism and Realism: Two Views of International Relations / Conclusion

4. National and International Security and Education
Recent Events and National Security / Nation-States and National Security / Peace and War / Conclusion

5. Changing Perspectives on International Development and Development Education
A Historical Perspective on Development and Development Education / The Top-Down Model of Development and Development Education / Modernization and Education / Critics of Top-Down Development / Emergence of a New Development Strategy: Bottom-Up Development / Conclusion

6. Globalization and Education
Defining and Situating Globalization / The Intensity of Contemporary Globalization / Globalization and the World Economy / Globalization's Impact on the Nation-State / Educational Implications of Globalization / Conclusion

7. Nationalism, American Exceptionalism, and Ethnonationalism: Implications for Education
Nationalism / Exceptionalism as an Expression of American Nationalism / Ethnonationalism / Nationalism, Ethnonationalism, and Multicultural Education / Conclusion


8. Educational Systems in National Contexts
Why Study Comparative Education? / A Glimpse at the History of Comparative Education / The Problem of Comparability / Characteristics of Education / A National Context / Regionalism / Conclusion

9. Education in the United States: Context and History
Geographic, Demographic, and Sociocultural Contexts / Political Context / Economic Context / Historical Context / Cultural Diversity and American Education / Recent Trends / Conclusion

10. Education in the United States: Administration, Organization, and Structure
The Federal Role in Education / The States' Role in Education / The Local Role in Education / Trends and Alterations in Educational Governance and Organization / Organization and Structure of Schools / Higher Education / Teacher Education / Conclusion

11. Education in the United Kingdom
Geographic, Demographic, and Sociocultural Contexts / Political Context / Economic Context / Historical Context / Governance and Administration of Education / Administration and Organization of Schools / Higher Education / Teachers and Teacher Education / Special and Multicultural Education / Conclusion

12. Education in France
Geographic, Demographic, and Sociocultural Contexts / Political Context / Economic Context / Historical Context / Governance and Administration of Education / Organization and Structure of Schools / Higher Education / Teacher Education / Conclusion

13. Education in the Russian Federation
Geographic, Demographic, and Sociocultural Contexts / Political and Economic Contexts / Historical Context / Restructuring in a Changing Russia / Organization and Structure of Schools / Instructional Innovation / Higher Education / Teacher Education / Conclusion

14. Education in Mexico
Geographic, Demographic, and Sociocultural Contexts / Political Context / Economic Context / Historical Context / Governance and Administration of Education / Organization and Structure of Schools / Higher Education / Teacher Education / Nonformal and Open Education / Conclusion

15. Education in Japan
Geographic, Demographic, and Sociocultural Contexts / Political Context / Economic Context / Historical Context / Schooling and Society / Governance and Administration of Education / Organization and Structure of Schools / Higher Education / Conclusion

16. Education in the People's Republic of China
Geographic, Demographic, and Sociocultural Contexts / Political Context / Economic Context / Historical Context / The Four Modernizations / Organization and Structure of Schools / Higher Education / Conclusion

17. Education in India
Geographic and Demographic Contexts / Sociocultural Context / Political Context / Economic Context / Historical Context / Governance and Administration of Education / Organization and Structure of Schools / Higher Education / Nonformal Education / Conclusion

18. Education in Nigeria
Geographic and Demographic Contexts / Sociocultural Context / Political Context / Economic Context / Historical Context / Organization and Structure of Schools / Conclusion