Small Group and Team Communication:  by Thomas E. Harris, John C. Sherblom
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Small Group and Team Communication
Fifth Edition
Much of contemporary communication occurs between and among small groups, whether in person in a work setting or on the Internet via email, Facebook, or instant messages. How we engage in our small-group communication in each medium matters. To be effective we have to consider our group roles, norms, cohesion, process, and phases of development, as well as our personal verbal and nonverbal communication and listening styles. To succeed as a member of a team, we need to consider the limits of our personal experience and perspective, recognize the creative strength of diverse perspectives in decision making and problem solving, develop our conflict-management skills, and strengthen our leadership skills. To be successful necessitates an understanding of group process, participation style, ethical group behavior, and the influences of the medium.

Small Group and Team Communication explores all these different interconnections and the communication strategies we use in our work and social groups. The authors use the systems perspective as their core approach throughout the text, treating small groups as complex open systems reliant upon communication to achieve success. Many chapters highlight the importance of considering ethics and diversity in relation to a variety of topics. Harris and Sherblom address the growing influence of computer-mediated communication to this discipline. Real-world, applied examples show students that what they’re learning aren’t simply abstract concepts, but knowledge that will serve them outside the classroom.
Table of Contents
1. Small Groups: Power, Definition, Attraction
Types of Small Groups / The Power of Groups / Defining Small Group Communication / Why We Join Groups / Characteristics and Coordinating Mechanisms of Small Groups / Characteristics of Small Group Communication / Groups in Organizations / Quality Decision Making through Group Diversity and Ethics

2. Small Group Communication: A System of Interaction
Understanding Small Group Success / Communication in Small Groups / A Systems Approach to Small Group Communication

3. Norms, Roles, Cohesion and Groupthink
Norms / Roles / Cohesion / Groupthink

4. Phases of Group Development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing
Forming: Hello, Orientation, and Inclusion / Storming: Conflict in Groups / Norming: Emergence as a Group / Performing: Making Decisions and Solving Problems / Adjourning: Terminating, Saying "Good-Bye" / Usefulness of the Phase Model / Overriding Influences

5. Diversity in Groups: The Strength of Different Perspectives
Defining Diversity in Small Groups / Assumptions and Stereotypes / Communication Contexts / Diversity in Small Groups and Teams / Making Diverse Groups Work / Computer-Mediated Virtual Teams / Ethical behavior

6. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Functions of Verbal Communication / Structures of Meaning in Verbal Communication / Nonverbal Communication / Verbal and Nonverbal Cues in Computer-Mediated Communication

7. Listening and Feedback: The Other Half of Communication
The Influence of Culture on Listening / Listening as a Critical Leadership Skill / Motivation / The Four Components of Listening / Active Listening / Feedback: Responding to the Message

8. Group Evolution: Teams
Organizations and Teams / Teams

9. Decision Making and Problem Solving
Decision Making and Problem Solving / DECIDE: The Stages of Decision Making and Problem Solving / Context Influences on Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Groups / Benefits of Decision Making in Computer-Mediated Groups

10. Creativity in the Small Group Process
What Is Creativity? / Creativity Means a New Way of Seeing / Barriers to Creativity / Techniques for Encouraging Creativity / Solving Problems Creatively / A Creative Group Climate

11. Group Process and Presentation Techniques
Brainstorming / Creative Decision-Making Techniques / The RISK Procedure / PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) / How These Techniques Are Used / Formats for Group Presentations

12. Productive Conflict Management
Defining Conflict / Patterns of Conflict Management / Power in Group Conflict / Power in Context

13. Leadership in Small Groups
Recognizing Leaders / Leaders Function within a System / Theories of Leadership / Three Characteristics of Leaders / Choosing a Leader / Issues of Gender and Race / Leaders of Technologically Mediated Groups / Tasks of Group Leaders / Influences on Group Leadership / Leadership Styles

14. Observing and Evaluating a Small Group
Systematic Feedback / Success and Failure / Observer-Member Scales / Observer Feedback Guidelines / Individual Role Behavior / Verbal Interaction and Content Analysis / Ethical Reflection

15. Computer-Mediated Small Group Communication
Using Technology to Communicate / Influences of the CMC Medium on Communication / Choosing a Medium for the Effective Use of CMC / Adopting Effective Group Communication Strategies for CMC