Your Voice at Its Best: Enhancement of the Healthy Voice, Help for the Troubled Voice by David Blair McClosky with   members of the McClosky Institute of Voice
104 pages, $21.95 list
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Your Voice at Its Best
Enhancement of the Healthy Voice, Help for the Troubled Voice
Fifth Edition
Freedom, ease, and power in song and speech for singers, public speakers, executives, and actors! Now in the Fifth Edition, this straightforward, clearly written guide presents David Blair McClosky’s highly acclaimed techniques for developing and mastering a more perfect voice as well as rehabilitating voices that have suffered abuse. McClosky’s methods, proven effective for more than 50 years, have been used by voice teachers, voice students, and speech pathologists as well as singers, actors, public speakers, executives, salespeople, ministers, broadcasters, and others whose voice use is significant in their life—including the late President John F. Kennedy. Practicing McClosky’s full range of techniques ensures that individuals can be the caretakers of their own voice and achieve maximum quality and fitness.

David Blair McClosky graduated from the New England Conservatory in Boston and had a career in opera and oratorio performance. He subsequently dedicated over 50 years to studying the complexities of the vocal instrument and the treatment of voice disorders in singers and speakers. In collaboration with eminent otolaryngologists at Syracuse University and the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in Boston, Mr. McClosky developed techniques to resolve vocal problems without surgery. He was Clinical Voice Therapist at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and treated people from all over the United States and beyond. Mr. McClosky was Professor of Voice at Boston University and taught at the Boston Conservatory of Music. He lectured and presented papers at many prestigious universities and professional organizations throughout the United States and abroad. The techniques he pioneered in the 1950s—based on correct diaphragmatic breathing, relaxation of the extrinsic laryngeal musculature, and the proper use of the vocal folds to produce healthy phonation—are now used worldwide by performing singers, speakers, and teachers to maintain healthy, resilient voices even under demanding conditions.

The McClosky Institute of Voice, founded in 1981, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the maintenance and enhancement of the healthy voice, as well as care and help for the troubled voice. Certified McClosky Voice Technicians (CMVTs) are voice teachers, professional singers and speakers, music educators, choral conductors, and speech and language pathologists. They are experienced in helping other professional voice users to modify their vocal habits to rebuild and enhance healthy, robust, and lasting speaking and singing voices.
“Not since I was in college have I found a book so easy to read—it breaks down technique and problem solving to a basic level. Even nonmajors would have no problem comprehending the text.” — Katherine Montcrieff, Onondaga Community College

“I really enjoyed this book! The illustrations are very clear and ‘speak volumes.’ Every student that I have shown it to has had an a-ha moment about how to breathe or stand. The vocal exercises are fun and very useable. A great little book full of good reminders—even for me!” — Barbara Wollan, Regis University

“Full of well-planned, progressive exercises and clear, succinct explanations. . . . I will certainly be adding some of these concepts and vocalises to both my applied voice lessons and my group class lessons.” — Elizabeth Wade, Eastern New Mexico University

“The book is an easy read and accessible to both amateur and professional voice users. McClosky’s ‘Six Areas of Relaxation’ provide singers with excellent fundamental skills for performance. A fine supplemental text.” — Gregory Parker, Chowan University

“I love this book. It is the exact technique I teach, and the simple organization of the literature is so easy for my students to reference.” — Deena Moore, Winston-Salem State University

“I not only recommend and endorse the McClosky technique but salute this dedicated man of science.” – William W. Montgomery, MD, Harvard Medical School
Table of Contents
1. The McClosky Technique: Posture and Breathing
The Structures of Breathing / Posture / Breathing

2. Freeing the Voice through the McClosky "Six Areas of Relaxation"
Preparing for the Relaxation Techniques / Six Exercises in Relaxation

3. Phonation
Exercises for Phonation

4. Freeing the Voice from Song to Speech
Finding Your Pitch / Additional Practice Techniques / Reminders for Good Voice Use

5. Articulation of Consonants in Detail
Position / Vibration of the Vocal Folds / Duration / Working with More Complex Sentences

6. Vocalizing with the McClosky Technique
Vocalizing Exercises / Finally, the Song!

7. Resonance and Color

8. Expressiveness and the McClosky Technique

9. Care of the Voice
General Health / Special Health Considerations for Voice Users / Healthy Voice Habits / Conclusions

10. Voice Disorders
Common Disorders of the Voice / Rare Disorders of the Voice

Appendix A: Illustrations of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Vocal Mechanism
Appendix B: Biography of David Blair McClosky
Appendix C: Case Histories Reported by David Blair McClosky
Appendix D: The McClosky Institute of Voice
Appendix E: Certification in the McClosky Technique
Appendix F: Contributors